
Lifestyle Blog UK

My Vacation is Over

So, the vacation is over. I had a wonderful week with the visit from my lovely Swedish friend Jenna. FNO, The museum of natural history, Yankees Stadium and a long etc, that of course involves lots of new cocktails, and spots, my favorite being the ones from the Standard Hotel West Village (See more photos of our adventure on Instagram).…
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Working at home, office inspiration

Creating an intimate working space I’m always amazed by the power of our surroundings, and how these scenarios affect our mood and emotions. Pablo Picasso used to say: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” That working space for me has so many possibilities it’s the ultimate intimacy with myself, and the process of creation. For example, I…
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Mila Cleansing Milk

Mila Cleansing Milk – The Miracle Seed Two weeks ago I was walking to the beautiful waterfront of my city, near the boats, when there was this lady, a very nice lady, walking two amazing Bull dogs, we started talking while the dogs smelt my legs, I said, “You look terrific!” She said, “I´m fifty years old”. I said, “NO…
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Withoutlipstick Introduction

Introducing Without Lipstick I have decided to take on this amazing experience, to share my work as a graphic designer, my studies in costume design and the other millions of things in my daily life in the multifaceted and Dionysian New York City. Empowered by Following Your Heart, passion, and dreams. WithoutLipstick is that time of the day where after…
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