Valentine’s Day gift guide and inspiration

My valentines day gift ideas I seriously can’t get out of my mind the lyrics of Drunk in love of the Queen B, I mean I honestly made this entire blog post listening to that song. And since Valentine’s Day is around the corner I believe that album may be one of the greatest and sexiest gifts to put first…
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Cold Weather Street Style

Cold Weather Clothing Inspiration Happy Tuesday everyone, although I’m having the most amazing time, during vacation in South America, (involving beach, clubbing and discovering new places), I feel really bad talking to my friends on the phone about how cold it has been in NY lately. So I wanted to do something for them and for you by posting some…
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The W New Year’s Eve

Happy Christmas everybody! I’m so glad we are getting closer to the end of the year, I can proudly say that I’ve successfully done my Christmas  this year. Dinner was fantastic (You can see pictures of our wonderful turkey preps here). The weather is fantastic in Santiago and while I write this post sipping my Chai tea latte, I’m craving…
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The W Pink Christmas

I’m so excited to start the Christmas decorations, yes I’m a little late this year because my Mom is actually making a lot of the decisions haha. Today I want to share with all of you a different idea for this Holiday season, just to think outside of the box a little bit, I will be posting different items along…
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Craving & Getting

Craving Fashion Hi guys, I hope everybody had a great start of the week, I particularly had a very busy Monday working on a photo shoot for a new outfit coming tomorrow in the blog, and it has something to do with air. Well anyway last Friday I had an amazing time lunching with my cousin Alison, and she showed…
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