Hi guys! I hope you are all getting into the Holiday mood as I am! I want to post some amazing Christmas recipes I have found around the web this week. As you may know, I’m a big fan of cooking, especially during the holidays! and I’m always searching for that perfect new treat to try at home. During Summer time I love to make my own cocktails so when I found this first recipe I was very glad that I can also enjoy these delicious drinks during winter time as well. Mulled Wine.
Can you believe your eyes? Why not have pizza on Christmas Eve (God knows I have been there). Well with this festive recipe you can! Holiday Pizza wreath.
I can’t imagine the Holidays without building a ginger bread house. I love this artisan looking one.
I try myself to always keep to a healthy diet as much as I can, without any sugar, but during Christmas time I let myself go a little bit, because it remands me of the child I have inside. So these cookies are perfect to do exactly that. Oh and by the way guys, Foodie Crush is one of my favorites go to food websites!
The velvet pancakes are perfect for Christmas morning, I found the recipe here!
I hope you all enjoy these delicious Christmas recipes and have an incredible time making them!