I have had these photos for a while sitting in my laptop, but for the reasons mentioned above, I didn't have the time to post them. I think it makes sense to conclude our time in Prague by showing you a little bit if our space there.
We had a one bedroom apartment which was everything we needed, I really liked the layout of our place as the kitchen and living room were separated nicely with our bedroom through a nice hallway/ entryway.
February has always been one of my favorite months of the year, and not only because of Valentine’s Day. When I was little we had Summer time and we were usually on vacation from School / College, so my sister and I will spend countless days at the beach, having ice cream and playing rackets. It was so nice! Valentine’s…
Good morning everyone! the countdown for Christmas has officially began and I cannot be more excited! Today in particular as I get to show you this fun collaboration of Christmas Brunch I had last week with one of my very favorites food brands in Prague. Christmas time is the occasion to be with family and friends and nothing better than…
Good morning lovelies and happy Monday! So excited about this week! and exhausted at the same time. To do a little re cap of my life lately I want to tell you some great news, babe and I moved in together this past weekend yay! This is not something we just decided, we have actually been talking about this since…
Hello beauties and happy Tuesday! First of all I really have to apologies for my total disconnection for the last three weeks, the truth is that I started a new job Yay! and if you ever experience a new job you will know that it’s important stay focus and give one hundred percent of you to it. Honestly I feel…