Amazon best deals

Amazon best deals

Amazon best deals

Amazon best dealsAmazon best dealsAmazon best dealsAmazon best dealsAmazon best dealsAmazon best dealsAmazon best deals

Good morning lovelies and happy Monday! So excited about this week! and exhausted at the same time. To do a little re cap of my life lately I want to tell you some great news, babe and I moved in together this past weekend yay! This is not something we just decided, we have actually been talking about this since over a year. We have taken a lot of time to coordinate the details of this big decision, because it’s a big decision! and we have come to the conclusion that this is something we both really really want. We cannot be more excited about sharing a place together and all the amazing adventures of this journey.

With that said this past weekend has been incredibly busy for us. Moving my things from my old place, packing, unpacking and organizing. It’s a really good feeling to see your things in a different place, I noticed for example how used some of my clothes were, and I totally fell in love again of some other items I haven’t used for a while, it has been a lot of fun but also a lot of stress to realize there is a bunch of things you need. I mean of course we knew that, but really you never think about small things you will absolutely need.

Living in Prague makes it difficult sometimes to find certain things, for example I’ve noticed that for some things the price is extremely high, while others are definitely more affordable to buy here. For those things that are a little bit more particular, I have created an Amazon account (UK) to see how it goes. Doing a little online shopping the other day I put together this board of my favorites things to get there. (Primary Fashion and coffee books) because they are at a fraction of the prices here. Anyway if you also fancy any of these (I think their are super cute) click in each item to buy them directly in

by the way, because I’m a nostalgic I’m also totally ordering this print:

Thank you for reading and have a great week! xoxo

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