The W List White Essentials

white essentials

White Essentials for the changing Seasons

It’s bizarre to realize the change of season. I have been seeing my girlfriends pictures from USA with their wonderful tans, sipping Mojitos at the pool, and I found myself in the Skiing season in Chile, which isn’t as cold as New York, but I still I can’t avoid feeling like I really want the days to be warmer, and nicer.

I started thinking about all of the places I want to visit in this beautiful country, especially my summer house that I am starting to build. There are so many ways to Cheer up the mood and start getting ready for Spring and Summer, and since I’m getting everything on line these days, and I mean everything, I wanted to make put together a mixture of  white essentials that I feel very inspired by.

Products that you either can get from Companies in USA or Chile to start getting ready for this seasons in South America.

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