Surprisingly, the end of January is here, and I have issues realizing how quickly it goes! does anybody else lose any sense of time? some weeks I have no idea which day it is or what date. Like today for example, I just couldn’t believe it was Thursday, I was off work on Monday, I worked from home on Tuesday and Wednesday and since today is the first day coming to the office, it felt like a Monday to me (so bizarre).
Anyways, since today we are starting February, I thought I’d share some snaps from the month that just ended. I might start doing a post like this at the end of every month as a way to work on my gratitude. Last year I bought this 1 line a day gratitude book and it didn’t work out for me you guys, I think I filled it in for about 2 months and then I just forgot. Once a month post might work out better.
Here are my highlights of January:
Babe and I went to see the Nutcracker (well this one really doesn’t count as January but I still like telling you about it because it was by far the best money I spent in 2017. If you ever have the chance to go see it DO IT! it’s truly magical!
Visiting Prague National Gallery. Funny part is that when I first moved to Prague, I lived about 2 blocks from the Gallery and NEVER went. I had it on my bucket list for a long time. Fortunately I had a day off and decided to spend it wondering around the five floors. This gallery is different than any I have seen before, the use of space is monumental and the exhibition very atypical and unconventional, totally an experience.
Discovering a bar full of Belgium beer (not that I’m into beer) but always good to know. Bruxx in I.P Pavlova has this romantic, charm and old fashioned atmosphere, the food is incredible, and you can just spend a good part of your Saturday there having brunch and seating in the comfy chairs. Not to mention one of my best friends got engaged here last October.
How beautiful is this gigantic pink flower pot? I just wish I had a balcony or a garden where I could have one of these. Not gonna lie I’m not a big plant person (I think plants hate me) I always manage to kill them. But for this pot I’ll happily make an exception.
We took a spontaneous day trip with Andrew to Nuremberg (Germany). It rained most of the day but it was a such a lovely town that we are so glad we got to see it.
We visited the Castle which has a stunning view of the city. I don’t know why I’m so serious in this photo, I was probably cold. Anyways, that door was “so cool”.
I have become obsessed lately with walking around Prague and rediscovering the lovely architecture that this city has. The other day I think I stared at something for way too long and a guy stopped to ask if I needed directions LOL!
This candles lasted about a week, love the smell of it, I got it at H&M Home. I’m very weird with candle smells. I really have to love it to buy it. It’s really difficult to find affordable ones that I like, but this one does the job.
And last but not least, a snap of one of my bedroom tables, as we were shooting for Valentine’s day the other day. Love working with themes in photo-shoots and this was such a fun project.
what were the highlights of your January, did you do something fun? I will be happy to hear.
Have a great February everyone! xoxo